Marlin American Granby FAL32 32 OZ Fix-A-Leak Bottle

Marlin American Granby FAL32 32 OZ Fix-A-Leak Bottle

Product Code: NOb337b30
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Viewed 268 times

Product Description

Marlin American Granby FAL32 32 OZ Fix-A-Leak Bottle

Features :
  • Replacement cord for all Soft Touch and Digital models
  • 12-Feet in length
  • Simple replacement

Suction Leaks are usually known by air mixed with the water at the return fittings. In most cases suction lines only leak water when the filter pump is shut off. Normal Circulation will simply draw FIX-A-LEAK away from the leak and if the pump is shut off the material will simply not get to the leak. You must reverse the flow of water, to force the material through the leak under pressure. Preferably 5-10 psi. untill the leak has stopped. When this has been achieved, gradually increase pressure to 15-25 psi. to insure a proper seal

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